Bad Weather

Bad Weather
If the school is to close:

The closure will be recorded on the school website

The school will alert all parents to the closure using the text messaging service

The school will make all practicable efforts to keep parents informed as to the situation with the school during adverse weather conditions, as we appreciate that such conditions and the uncertainty places very considerable difficulties upon parents. However, parents are expected to check the website and/or make themselves aware of the radio broadcasts when it is clear that a closure is a possibility. Weather reports are broadcasted by the local radio who will broadcast weather updates for Birmingham. Parents are also asked to check weather updates on the internet.

The school appreciates that during bad weather children may arrive later than normal; parents should endeavour to contact the school to let them know they are on their way if likely to be delayed.

The school recognises there will be isolated instances where families are cut off, even where the clear majority of children can get into school. In such instances parents should inform the school of the circumstances of this exceptional situation, as the school has a duty to clarify the circumstances of each case so as to be able to formally authorise the absence to the Local Authority. Parents acting on the assumption that the school would be closed without gaining confirmation, or failing to inform the school of the circumstances that prevents the child coming into school risks their child being registered as an un-authorised absence

Where the school is officially closed, all absence is counted as authorised absence

In the event of the school having to close during the day due to unforeseen worsening weather or similar unforeseen circumstances, parents will be contacted by text message and a phone call either at home or work and asked to collect their child. Such an early release will only be contemplated in very extreme circumstances. All parents/carers are urged to ensure that mobile phones are always switched on and audible in case we are trying to contact you.

In the event of snow some pathways will be cleared and salted. Parents, children and visitors will be made aware that pathways, even where cleared, do remain dangerous. Children will also be reminded of this at school.

Parents are responsible for ensuring their children do not slide on the school playground before and after school opening hours in icy conditions.