Curriculum / Pe

Our sports coach is Mr. Nazir.
Physical Education at Ward End is planned to give children the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact to their own physical health and well-being. Children are given the chance to experience a wide variety of sports over the course of the year and physical skills that will help them in PE and other subjects. We want the children’s experience of PE to be positive, motivating and inspiring. This supports their health, wellbeing and fitness and provides the foundations for lifelong activity.

Sports Plus support the delivery of PE lessons at Ward End.
Together we have a strong commitment to raising standards and helping all our children to succeed.
Our aims are:
To provide pupils with opportunities to develop their physical technique; balance, agility and speed.
For pupils to gain confidence and enjoyment.
To provide children with different topics/sports so that children have the opportunity to try new things.
To ensure the children have a strategy, competitiveness and determination.
To develop pupils’ awareness of the value of physical activity and how it can affect everyday life.
To develop positive mind-sets that raise a love for P.E. and a desire to do more.
To allow pupils to be critical and assess how they or others can improve.
For pupils to develop a deeper understanding of safety and knowing their own limitations.